Tunnel House was first occupied on 2 December 2001 having achieved planning approval from Swindon Borough Council on 13 March 2001. There had been seventeen months of discussions concerning the design of appropriate foundations and the stability of the ex-brickworks quarry now known as Queens Park lying to the North of the site.
Building works commenced on 1 April 2001 with the foundations comprising of 27 number 18m long augured piles supporting a reinforced concrete raft. The name of Tunnel House was decided upon after considering the history of the site and its connection with the Swindon Marlborough and Andover Railway, it being the central part of a 10m deep cutting at the entrance to a tunnel which was abandoned in 1876 after the tunnel collapsed and the contractors business failed. The cutting was backfilled and Hunt Street constructed around the year 1900, the site had not been developed after the backfilling, being used firstly as a market garden, then a builders yard with a number of small lock-up garages.
The information currently known about the site is shown in the various attachments to this website, any additional information would be gratefully received via our contact form.